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The Best At-Home Workouts to do with Little (or No) equipment.


Working out is something everybody should do. There is no excuse to not be working out. Even people who don't have enough money to go to the gym can still workout in their homes. People who have limited things at home like dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, etc. people can still get a good workout in. If you have those things in your house you have it even better. But if you don't, don't worry because there are still many workouts you can do in your room.


Some workouts you can do are the good old pushups. Push Ups work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and your core. Pushups are simple and easy to do for everyone. No need for equipment, just motivation and your arms and legs.


Some workouts you can do to work your legs are squats and lunges. These both work quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, abdominals, and back. These are very simple exercises that can be done anywhere. These take no equipment, just your legs.


Another exercise you can do are planks. Just get a towel or mat and you should be fine. Planks work your core, back, and shoulders. If you want to work your core, these are a great option. Another workout that works your core are sit ups and flutter kicks. Your core/abs will be burning, but remember it’s a good burn. No equipment needed.


If you do have weights in your household, some workouts you can do are: bicep curls, dumbbell squats, lateral raises.

These are just a few, but these workouts don't need a bench or other equipment. Bicep curls, workout your biceps. Keep a good form while doing these, also keep a steady pace. Going

fast will limit how much you actually are working your biceps. Dumbbell squats work your legs. Just grab your weights, don't go too heavy, start with something that is challenging enough but will not injure you. Lateral raises are a good workout to work your shoulders and triceps. Keep a steady pace and you will feel the burn. Your arms are going to feel like they want to come off, but it's alright. After you complete your workout you will need a good old protein shake, to keep building muscle. These workouts are very simple yet effective. Most importantly they don't require equipment. These workouts will help you stay or get healthy and make yourself feel good about yourself.

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